Strength & Conditioning - Olympic-Style Weightlifting Program Design Part II

Ben Foodman - Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist & Mental Performance Consultant in Charlotte North Carolina

Photo Credit HOOKGRIP

About the Author

Ben Foodman is a licensed psychotherapist & performance specialist. He owns his private practice located in Charlotte North Carolina where he specializes in working with athletes to help them overcome mental blocks (the yips), PTSD, ADD / ADHD and achieve flow states through the techniques of Brainspotting & Neurofeedback. If you are interested in services, use the link here! Enjoy the article below!


Ben Foodman - Sport Psychology & Certified Brainspotting Consultant in Charlotte North Carolina

Olympic-Style Weightlifters & Program Design

This is the second Training Report series that will cover Olympic-style weightlifting program design. As a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and a USAW Level 2 coach, clients I consult with will often ask about the process of designing a long-term weightlifting program. For this Training Report I will be providing an example of an annual training program schedule that illustrates the macro training block format. For those interested in seeing the lifts performed at the highest level, watch the video at the end of the report that shows an Olympic weightlifting training hall session. Enjoy!


Training Block I

Prehab and conditioning development - Posterior chain strengthening (PCS) - Bilateral & Unilateral prescriptions (BUP) - Motor movement development (MMD)

Hypertrophy Phase - 65-75% intensity - PCS 4-6 set range, 8-10 rep range - BUP 4-6 set range, 8-10 rep range - MMD 4 set range, 3 rep range

Training Block II

Conditioning development and technical address - Halting position snatch (HPS) - full cleans (CL) - footwork development for jerks/overhead work (FWOH) - complex work (CPX)

Strength Phase - 70-80% intensity - HPS 3-4 set range, 3 rep range - CL 3-4 set range, 3 rep range - FWOH 3-4 set range, 3 rep range - CPX 2-4 set range, 2-3 rep range

Training Block III

Conditioning development and technical address - snatch (SN) - full clean & jerks (C&J) - footwork development for jerks/overhead work (FWOH) - complex work (CPX) - Squats (SQ)

Strength Phase - 70-80% intensity - SN 3-4 set range, 3 rep range - C&J 3 set range, 3 rep range - FWOH 3 set range, 3 rep range - CPX 2 set range, 2-3 rep range - SQ 3-4 set range, 5 rep range


Performance development and injury maintanence - base Olympic lifts, accessory support lifts, 2 week taper phase

Power Phase - 80-90% intensity - SN 3 set range, 2 rep range - C&J 3 set range, 1-2 rep range, SQ 3-4 set range, 2-5 rep range


Performance development and injury maintanence - base Olympic lifts, accessory support lifts, 2 week taper phase, work off new percentages

Power Phase - 85-95% intensity - SN 3 set range, 2 rep range - C&J 3 set range, 1-2 rep range, SQ 3-4 set range, 2-5 rep range



Note To Reader:

If you are an athlete reading this segment of the TRAINING REPORT, hopefully this content was helpful! I put the Training Report together because I felt like many of the discussions on issues such as the Yips/mental blocks, strength training & other subject matter on athlete performance concepts were really missing the mark on these ideas (e.g. how trauma is the direct cause of the Yips). If you are interested in learning more, make sure to subscribe below for when I put out new content on issues related to sport psychology & athlete performance! Also, if you are looking to work with a mental performance specialist, you are in the right place! USE THIS LINK to reach out to me to see if my services are the right fit for your goals!


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Check Out The Previous Training Reports!

Benjamin Foodman

LCSW, Performance Consultant


Precision Nutrition - Nutrition For Injury Recovery


Strength & Conditioning - Olympic-Style Weightlifting Program Design Part I